IL2CPP Internals:

Il2CPP Reverse:



Honkai Impact:

Here is some toothpaste, put it back in the tube

In part 1 I listed all of the discovered table offsets, let’s pick one at random to explore this technique – I’ll take the table beginning at 0x15C0D8C, it starts like this:


and ends like this:


First we need to make some observations. Each table entry is likely to be 16 (0x10) bytes; we can see this because the layout seems to repeat every 16 bytes. If you struggle to see this, try to imagine in your mind’s eye that each entry is four 4-byte integers named a, b, c and d, then – remembering that the data is stored little-endian – you can see that table[0].b == 0x08000001, table[1].b == 0x08000002 etc., while table[0].d = table[1].d = table[2].d = 0x0B etc. That is not to say the data is actually 4-byte integers – b here might be an 8-byte number for example – but we’re not trying to understand the data format per se. The point is that each “b” seems to contain a sequential value (related data), and each “d” is often 0x0B (again related data), which gives us confidence that 16 bytes is the size of each entry. Also, the actual table size is divisible by 16, and obviously the total size must be exactly divisible by the size of one entry.

Let’s consult Il2CppGlobalMetadataHeader and see which referenced structs are 16 bytes long. Unity Technologies very kindly commented the header struct with the names of all the structs used in each table, as you saw above. All of these structs are in the same file il2cpp-metadata.h, and virtually every item in each struct is either an int32_t or typedef‘d to one, so given that int32_t is four bytes long, we just need to pick out any struct that contains four fields. Here is what we find:

typedef struct Il2CppFieldDefinition
    StringIndex nameIndex;
    TypeIndex typeIndex;
    CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex;
    uint32_t token;
} Il2CppFieldDefinition;
typedef struct Il2CppParameterDefinition
    StringIndex nameIndex;
    uint32_t token;
    CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex;
    TypeIndex typeIndex;
} Il2CppParameterDefinition;

Some knowledge of .NET IL metadata goes a long way here, because the token field is a dead giveaway: every IL item (assembly, type, property, method etc.) is given a metadata token when compiled that uniquely identifies it within its scope. The bottom 24 bits are an ID and the top 8 bits identify the token type, which you can see in this abbrieviated definition of CorTokenType from the .NET Metadata Unmanaged API Reference:

typedef enum CorTokenType {
    mdtModule                       = 0x00000000,
    mdtTypeRef                      = 0x01000000,
    mdtTypeDef                      = 0x02000000,
    mdtFieldDef                     = 0x04000000,
    mdtMethodDef                    = 0x06000000,
    mdtParamDef                     = 0x08000000,

Hold the phone: parameter tokens are always 0x08xxxxxx. The second item in each table entry above also started with 0x08! This perfectly fits the layout of Il2CppParameterDefinition where token is the second item, so we’ve identified this table as the parameter definition table!


Its file offset should normally be located in Il2CppGlobalMetadataHeader.parametersOffset – which is 0x58 bytes into Il2CppGlobalMetadataHeader – and the actual offset to this table (0x15C0D8C) is found at offset 0xE0 from the start of global-metadata.dat. Since every item in Il2CppGlobalMetadataHeader is a 4-byte integer, we can deduce that for Honkai Impact, parametersOffset should be the 0xE0 / 4 + 1th = 57th item in the header, and fill it in in our new struct:

(the header is 0x158 bytes long which is 86 entries)

I’ve also added in parametersCount here, which is quickly verified by taking the length specified in the header after the table offset – 0x3B4AA0 in this case – adding it to the offset and verifying that the table does in fact end at that location.

Excellent! Two down, 84 to go! Now just repeat this for all of the other tables and you’ve reconstructed the entire header 🤮 Cheer up, it could be worse: you could be playing RAID: Shadow Legends.