IL2CPP Internals:

Il2CPP Reverse:



Honkai Impact:

Marshaling a non-blittable user defined type

A non-blittable user defined type, like the Boss type defined above can also be marshaled, but with a little more work. Each field of this type must be marshaled to its native representation. Also, the generated C++ code needs a representation of the managed type that matches the representation in the native code.

Let’s take a look at the IsBossDead extern declaration:

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
private extern static bool IsBossDead(Boss b);


The wrapper for this method is named HelloWorld_IsBossDead_m7:

                extern "C" bool HelloWorld_IsBossDead_m7 (Object_t * __this /* static, unused */, Boss_t2  ___b, const MethodInfo* method)
typedef uint8_t (DEFAULT_CALL *PInvokeFunc) (Boss_t2_marshaled);

Boss_t2_marshaled ____b_marshaled = { 0 };
Boss_t2_marshal(___b, ____b_marshaled);
uint8_t _return_value = _il2cpp_pinvoke_func(____b_marshaled);

return _return_value;


The argument is passed to the wrapper function as type Boss_t2, which is the generated type for the Boss struct. Notice that it is passed to the native function with a different type: Boss_t2_marshaled. If we jump to the definition of this type, we can see that it matches the definition of the Boss struct in our C++ static library code:

                struct Boss_t2_marshaled
char* ___name_0;
int32_t ___health_1;


We again used the UnmanagedType.LPStr directive in C# to indicate that the string field should be marshaled as a char*. If you find yourself debugging a problem with a non-blittable user-defined type, it is very helpful to look at this _marshaled struct in the generated code. If the field layout does not match the native side, then a marshaling directive in managed code might be incorrect.

The Boss_t2_marshal function is a generated function which marshals each field, and the Boss_t2_marshal_cleanup frees any memory allocated during that marshaling process.

Marshaling an array

Finally, we will explore how arrays of blittable and non-blittable types are marshaled. The SumArrayElements method is passed an array of integers:

private extern static int SumArrayElements(int[] elements, int size);


This array is marshaled, but since the element type of the array (int) is blittable, the cost to marshal it is very small:

                int32_t* ____elements_marshaled = { 0 };
____elements_marshaled = il2cpp_codegen_marshal_array((Il2CppCodeGenArray*)___elements);


The il2cpp_codegen_marshal_array function simply returns a pointer to the existing managed array memory, that’s it!

However, marshaling an array of non-blittable types is much more expensive. The SumBossHealth method passes an array of Boss instances:

private extern static int SumBossHealth(Boss[] bosses, int size);


It’s wrapper has to allocate a new array, then marshal each element individually:

                Boss_t2_marshaled* ____bosses_marshaled = { 0 };
size_t ____bosses_Length = 0;
if (___bosses != NULL)
____bosses_Length = ((Il2CppCodeGenArray*)___bosses)->max_length;
____bosses_marshaled = il2cpp_codegen_marshal_allocate_array(____bosses_Length);

for (int i = 0; i < ____bosses_Length; i++)
Boss_t2  const& item = *reinterpret_cast(SZArrayLdElema((Il2CppCodeGenArray*)___bosses, i));
Boss_t2_marshal(item, (____bosses_marshaled)[i]);


Of course all of these allocations are cleaned up after the native method call is completed as well.


The IL2CPP scripting backend supports the same marshalling behaviors as the Mono scripting backend. Because IL2CPP produces generated wrappers for extern methods and types, it is possible to see the cost of managed to native interop calls. For blittable types, this cost is often not too bad, but non-blittable types can quickly make interop very expensive. As usual, we’ve just scratched the surface of marshaling in this post. Please explore the generated code more to see how marshaling is done for return values and out parameters, native function pointers and managed delegates, and user-defined reference types.

Next time we will explore how IL2CPP integrates with the garbage collector.