IL2CPP Internals:

Il2CPP Reverse:



Honkai Impact:


An introduction to IL2CPP internals

Almost in 2014, UNITY started to talk about the future of scripting. The new IL2CPP scripting backend promised to bring a highly-performant, highly-portable virtual machine to Unity. In January 2015, Unity shipped first platform using IL2CPP, iOS 64-bit. The Unity 5 release brought another platform, WebGL. Thanks to the input from our tremendous community of users, Unity have shipped many patch release updates for IL2CPP, steadily improving its compiler and runtime.

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IL2CPP Internals: A Tour of Generated Code

This is the second blog post in the IL2CPP Internals series. In this post, we will investigate the C++ code generated by il2cpp.exe. Along the way, we will see how managed types are represented in native code, take a look at runtime checks used to support the .NET virtual machine, see how loops are generated and more!


IL2CPP Internals - Debugging tips for generated code

This is the third blog post in the IL2CPP Internals series. In this post, we will explore some tips which make debugging C++ code generated by IL2CPP a little bit easier. We will see how to set breakpoints, view the content of strings and user defined types and determine where exceptions occur

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IL2CPP Internals: Method calls

This is the fourth blog post in the IL2CPP Internals series. In this post, we will look at how il2cpp.exe generates C++ code for method calls in managed code.

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IL2CPP Internals: Generic sharing implementation

This is the fifth post in the IL2CPP Internals series. In the last post, we looked at how methods are called in the C++ code generated for the IL2CPP scripting backend. In this post, we will explore how they are implemented. Specifically, we will try to better understand one of the most important features of code generated with IL2CPP - generic sharing. Generic sharing allows many generic methods to share one common implementation. This leads to significant decreases in executable size for the IL2CPP scripting backend

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IL2CPP Internals: P/Invoke Wrappers

This is the sixth post in the IL2CPP Internals series. In this post, we will explore how il2cpp.exe generates wrapper methods and types use for interop between managed and native code. Specifically, we will look at the difference between blittable and non-blittable types, understand string and array marshaling, and learn about the cost of marshaling.

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IL2CPP Internals - Garbage collector integration

This is the seventh post in the IL2CPP Internals series. In this post, we will explore a bit about how the IL2CPP runtime integrates with a garbage collector. Specifically, we’ll see how the GC roots in managed code are communicated to the native garbage collector.

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